Vaccines are safe, effective, evidence based, and cost effective ways to reduce medical visists, hospitalizations, and even death. Only 1 in 4 adults are up-to-date on the four more recommended vaccines for adults (influenza, pneumoccpccal, TDaP, and shingles.)

As an approved vaccinator, Novir will administer vaccines on-site at your workplace, senior living facility or school.

Novir’s Vaccination Unique Approach

Novir provides many benefits within the vaccination process —

Convenience for you and your team, saving time and money;

Visibility to the vaccination status of your employees and students;

An opportunity for you to better manage risk at your workplace or schools and deliver an additional layer of safety as you reopen, and stay open, safely, responsibly and confidently;

Support short staffed senior living and skilled nursing facilities ensure our seniors are keeping up with their vaccinations, integrating with family members and health networks.

Novir provides access to the following vaccinations:

  • Flu
  • Shingrix (Herpes Zoster, PHN)
  • HepB
  • Tetanus
  • Pneumovax
  • TDaP & DTaP
  • COVID-19 (Moderna & Pfizer)