Novir has developed a comprehensive on-site solutions package. We provide vaccinations, lead testing, drug testing, and preventive health screenings anywhere, anytime to support the heath of your organization.

Turnkey Clinics

Our deployed solutions are flexible and configurable. We meet every customer and partner where they are and where they need us to be. We have a staff of highly trained and qualified healthcare workers with an intense customer service focus.

On-Site Solution Services

Preventive Wellness

InstaCHECK introduces simplicity and accuracy into at-home testing through our streamlined process.


An approved vaccinator by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services and Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

Remote Drug Screening

InstaCLEAR empowers employers to conduct the testing themselves.

Health Screening

Novir provides remote testing solutions across the globe.



Novir offers a comprehensive suite of products for individual and professional use.

Remote Service

Novir’s services are available worldwide, from the comfort of your own home with virtual proctoring.


TRACK by Novir can be tailored to suit your unique needs, digitizing registration, information gathering, and result delivery.

World Class Service

Our services are available any time, anywhere with expert staff members providing end-to-end support.